What is FORA?
FORA (Funders for Regenerative Agriculture) is a network of funders and funder initiatives aimed at informing, educating, organizing, providing collaborative opportunities, and recruiting new members in support of regenerative agricultural systems. By working together, we hope to foster a robust, connected, equitable and resilient movement aimed at accelerating the adoption of regenerative agriculture principles across land, animals, people, as well as our social, cultural, and economic systems.

What is regenerative agriculture?
Regenerative Agriculture is the process of restoring and regenerating the social, cultural and ecological contexts unique to each piece of land. Rooted in centuries old indigenous and traditional practices and knowledge, Regenerative Agriculture honors the interplay between human and non-human relationships to bring an entire ecosystem into health and abundance. In practical implementation terms on the land, regeneration is often guided by the following principles:
Limit Disturbance
Limiting chemical, mechanical and physical disturbance of the soil
Armor the surface
Keeping the soil covered at all times
Increase diversity
Striving for a diversity of plant and animal species
Maintain living roots
Living roots throughout the year feed the soil biology
Integrate animals
Using holistic management approaches that mimic nature
Understand your context
Understanding both the historical ecological functions of the land, as well as maintaining an on-going relationship with the changing ecological, economic, and social contexts
What does regenerative agriculture foster?
When realized, regenerative agriculture fosters a set of interconnected benefits, offering us a shovel ready solution to multiple challenges, including climate change, water scarcity and cleanliness, food insecurity, floods and fires, economic and social inequality, food sovereignty, ecological systems collapse, biodiversity loss, soil health decline, nutrient density and quality collapse, and chemical and toxics reduction.

Why use the platform?
As a funder
FORA’s members represent a diverse range of funders, investors, and partners that are all deploying a variety of capital across varying issue and focus areas, strategies, and geographic scopes. The platform will serve to aggregate and visualize all of this work in one place, so that we may better inform our collaborative efforts and understand both the gaps in our collective work and the opportunities.
As A Practitioner
The platform will keep you up-to-date on the what, who, and where of the funding and strategies of FORA members. As practitioners and partners in the field, we hope the platform offers greater transparency and opportunities for synergistic collaboration in support of your work.
How it works?

The dashboard provides summary graphs and charts (including aggregations of collective data, exploring changes and shifts over time, highlighting disparities and gaps, providing percentages in regards to focus areas or other filters etc)
You can filter the dashboards according to various parameters, including:
Action map
The Action Map allows you to view and interact with various areas of interest across geographies, exploring where your colleagues are funding and better visualize the collective work of FORA members
All data can be filtered through various filters, including:

What can you invest in?
Browse a catalogue of over 40 areas of focus that you can support and invest in and find out what current members are interested in.